A Blend of Science & Software

Our Mission is to provide an incubator for therapeutics and devices that utilize trained Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to aid in diagnosis and decision making.


Identification and investment in high value pharmaceuticals and devices.

Market Focus

Market segment focus, but not limited to, Neuroscience (Parkinson's Disease) and Imaging (Contrast Agents).

Seed Capital

Provide Seed Capital and Co-Investment in Early-Stage Projects.

Intellectual Property

Identify and License in technologies from University and/or Government sponsored research.

Bring Ideas to Life

Support and encourage the development of AI/ML software to complement the clinical and commercial utility of the asset.

We Are Here to Help!

If you are looking for a reliable business coach with whom you share your mind and get the best business advice you’ve been looking for, we are here. With 10 years of experience in helping businesses grow, we’ve mastered the skills of studying the market for you and helping you cope up with the latest trends that’ll take your business to the next level.

Why Choose Us?

We are well-experienced business professionals with younger minds.

Passion & Commitment
Honesty & Openness
Dedicated Team
Practical Approach

Our Management

Industry experience includes Abbott Laboratories, Lyphomed, Co-founder and President of Cary Pharmaceuticals, Co-Founder of Handa Pharmaceuticals.
Douglas D. Cary, Principal R.Ph, MBA
BA Marketing U of Iowa, MBA University of Maryland. Industry experience in field sales at GlaxoSmithKline, Co Founder, BOD Cary Pharmaceuticals and Co-Founder and Chief Operating Office of Handa Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Stephen D. Cary, Principal, BA Marketing

We provide management expertise and seed investment to de-risk select projects to advance human clinical trials and strategic partnerships.

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